Alvechurch Parish Logo
A Civility & Respect Pledge Council Logo
Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold Logo

Alvechurch Parish Council

serving Alvechurch, Bordesley, Forhill, Hopwood, Rowney Green and Weatheroak.

Policies And Procedures

Below is a list of Alvechurch Parish Council’s adopted policies, with a link to download the document:
Policy/Procedural NameAdopted/Review Date
Alvechurch Parish Council's Governing Documents:
APC's Standing Orders v2 
APC's Terms of Reference V1 

Scheme of Delegation to an Officer  -v2
Code of Conduct - Revised by BDC May 2023
Complaints Procedure
Dispensation Procedure & Application Form
Member/Officer Relations

Annual Processes 2023-27
Council Civic Event List
Council Structure
These governing documents were reviewed in Feb 2024 by the Finance & Scrutiny Committee and will be re-adopted by Full Council at the Annual Council Meeting - May 2024. The Documents will be reviewed and/or amended at least annually, or as necessary to reflect legislative changes
Financial Governance:
APC Financial Regulations May 2024v1
Approval of Payment Policy - v2
Efficiency and Value for Money Policy v2
Internet Banking Policy v2 
Procurement Policy
Reserve and Balances Policy V2 
Internal Control Policy v2 
Part A - Parish Council Risk Assessment Table - v2
Part B - Risk Management Policy - Reviewed Feb v2

These documents were reviewed in Feb 2024 by the Finance & Scrutiny Committee and will be re-adopted by Full Council at the Annual Council Meeting - May 2024. The Documents will be reviewed and/or amended at least annually, or as necessary to reflect legislative changes
Employment/Training :
Essential Car User Policy
Flexible Working Policy
Lone Working Policy
Payroll Policy
Pension Policy
Recruitment/Retention Policy
Staff Handbook 
[Staffing - Disciplinary Procedure/Grievance Procedure]
Staffing - Employee PDP Review Policy
Training Policy
Volunteers Policy
These documents are reviewed at least annually